Friday, October 27, 2006

Homework 4 951021

1. Based on the discussion in class,
what kind of applications can be done using wireless positioning technology?


2.Reading Assignment:
Chap 6, 7, 8 of Textbook. (Next presentation)

3.Install Firefox. Use firefox to subscribe to the course blog.

Homework 4 951021

Friday, October 20, 2006

Homework 3 951014

1.Read the article about Google Adsense and watch the video of the talk given by the Adsense developer.Summarize the talk and the things your learn.

Shiva talks about how to make money from Google Adsense.
Most important,the advertisers can bid the true value for the click such as page inventory , cost per click or click through rate.

Homework 3 951014

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Homework 950930

1. 安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)
美國 FirstGov
英國 Direct Gov
日本 首相與內閣入口網
台灣 MyeGov
新加坡 SingGov
澳洲 Australia Government
中國 中央政府門戶網站

2. Moodgrapher plots the mood levels reported by LiveJournal users in their posts.
· Use Moodgrapher to compare the "happy" mood level versus "sad" during the period from 9/1/2006~9/30/2006.
· Can we justify that people drink more during the weekends?
3. Read JONATHAN SCHWARTZ, Sun CTO's Blog. Do you think his blog is authentic, honest, and authoritative? Why?

1.安裝PageRank, 然後使用PageRank量測以下網站的PageRank(0~10分)
美國 FirstGov 10分
歐盟 Http:// en.htm 8分
英國 Direct Gov 8分
日本 首相與內閣入口網 8分
台灣 MyeGov(英) 7分
台灣 MyeGov(中) 2分
新加坡 SingGov 7分
澳洲 Australia Government 7分
德國聯邦政府 7分
中國 中央政府門戶網站 7分
韓國 2分

2.Yes,Our long-term research aim is to develop novel methods for searching, discovering and retrieving blogs. We believe that the non-factual aspect of blog entries is an important part of what makes people read and browse around blogs rather than, say, online news papers.
Moodgrapher plots the mood levels reported by LiveJournal users in their posts.
Moodgrapher has made a number of interesting discoveries. Check out the impact of global events on global moods. Find out whether it is true that people drink more during the weekend. Observe states-of-mind with a cyclic nature; e.g., people feel energetic in the mornings and relaxed in the evening. All in all, Moodgrapher is a great tool for analyzing mass-behavior over time.

Who's Blogging Wrong?
that blog hurt the companies using them, not helping them. Character blogs and anonymous blogs are prime examples. So are companies using blogs to distribute their press releases and PR materials.
Jonathan Tuesday Oct 10, 2006
The Death of Yesterday's Datacenter
An executive from a mobile phone company recently told me the feature most requested by buyers in their fastest growing geography (India) was an LED flashlight. Not a camera, but a flashlight. Edison would never have guessed (obviously). Nor that electricity would one day be on airplanes, lunar landers or deep sea submarines.

It is authentic, honest, but maybe not authoritative.
somebody say, some datas, maybe good for you, maybe not; but that's a good reference.